Using normative sound calculations profitably for the sale of heat pumps

Building services systems are almost always accompanied by noise. Particularly in connection with heat pumps, there is a social sensitivity to the issue of noise that needs to be taken seriously in order to promote acceptance of the heating technology of the future. The heat pump market has already recognized the relevance of this topic and, with the help of the bwp noise calculator, has established an application whose aim is to forecast and assess noise pollution using simplified calculation approaches.

With dBEL.HVAC, we have developed a tool that builds on this idea, but takes the results to the next level so that they can also be used convincingly in communication with customers and approval authorities. Because we combine:

  • Calculation methods from specialist planning that allow very detailed and professionally validated noise forecasts to be made,
  • Ready-to-use geomodels that can be used to locate the heat pump in the planned environment in order to determine optimized installation positions and
  • simple handling.

With just a few clicks, you can generate reliable forecasts at specialist planner level and counteract potential noise pollution at an early stage.

In this webinar we will show you ...

  • ... what influence the calculation methods have on approvability,
  • ... how you can investigate the resulting noise pollution directly in the planned environment with the help of ready-made data models,
  • ... how easily you can make this know-how available to a wide range of user groups,
  • ... how this supports your sales and avoids annoyance and finally
  • ... how you can convince your customers that your heat pump will not cause any noise problems.


44 Min | Simply fill out the form and you will be forwarded directly to the video.
